Go Here Watch This Join In Idealist.org


I have joined this. This is a way to connect and do things that respect people and engender freedom and dignity.

It gives me the promise of an opportunity to bring to fruition something I want to do – plant trees with people.

It would give me great pleasure to think that at least one person joined in as a result of this post.




My wife Tamara alerted me to this. She started watching and I joined her..

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  1. Victoria says:

    I’m checking it out as I’m not sure what this is.


    1. Great. There was a live video stream earlier today. There’s another live stream coming up.

      It’s an idea to bring people together to do the things they want to do to make everyone’s life better. It might be to plant trees – it might be to connect a retired nurse with a community clinic – it might be to do anything – the important thing is to gives people the tools to empower them to be able to connect and do things together that uphold values of respect, dignity, freedom.

      Big words, idealistic words – what the heck – why not, eh?

      Thanks for commenting 🙂


      1. Victoria says:

        I signed up! Still checking things out and since I’ve volunteered for years and founded a local non- profit, I thought what the heck…LOL


        1. Then you’re a natural – I knew you were 🙂


        2. Victoria says:

          I am indeed -:)


  2. I will check it out…


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